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Extend the schema

Infrahub can be extended by providing your own schema (or models).

Default schema

The version of Infrahub we currently use for the demo only included a default schema, composed of 25+ models that are either mandatory for Infrahub to function like Account, StandardGroup, Repository or that are very generic like Tag.

Visualize the active schema

You can explore the current schema by visiting the schema page, you can find it in the left menu under the Unified Storage section.

Explore the current schemahttp://localhost:8000/schema

schema page screenshot

Check the schema documentation for more information../../reference/schema

In order to model a network, we need to extend the current models to capture more information like: Device, Interface, IPAddress, BGPSession, Location, Role, Status etc.

A "base" schema with these types of models and more is available in the models/base directory

Infrastructure Base Schema
DCIM Base Schema
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
version: "1.0"
- name: Interface
namespace: Infra
description: "Generic Network Interface"
label: "Interface"
include_in_menu: true
icon: "mdi:ethernet"
- name__value
- name__value
- ["device", "name__value"]
human_friendly_id: ["device__name__value", "name__value"]
- name: name
kind: Text
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: speed
kind: Number
- name: mtu
label: MTU
default_value: 1500
kind: Number
- name: enabled
kind: Boolean
default_value: true
- name: status
kind: Dropdown
optional: true
- name: active
label: Active
description: "Fully operational and currently in service"
color: "#7fbf7f"
- name: provisioning
label: Provisioning
description: "In the process of being set up and configured"
color: "#ffff7f"
- name: maintenance
label: Maintenance
description: "Undergoing routine maintenance or repairs"
color: "#ffd27f"
- name: drained
label: Drained
description: "Temporarily taken out of service"
color: "#bfbfbf"
- name: role
kind: Dropdown
optional: true
- name: backbone
label: Backbone
description: "Provide main data routes"
color: "#6a5acd"
- name: upstream
label: Upstream
description: "Connect to Internet service provider"
color: "#9090de"
- name: peering
label: Peering
description: "Connect with other networks via IX"
color: "#ffa07a"
- name: peer
label: Peer
description: "Equal-status connections for direct interchange"
color: "#faa446"
- name: server
label: Server
description: "Dedicated to interfaces connected to servers"
color: "#98b2d1"
- name: loopback
label: Loopback
description: "Internal interface"
color: "#93e9be"
- name: management
label: Management
description: "Dedicated network for control and monitoring"
color: "#ccc28a"
- name: uplink
label: Uplink
description: "Connect to higher device"
color: "#ff6b6b"
- name: leaf
label: Leaf
description: "Connect to leaf device"
color: "#e6e6fa"
- name: spare
label: Spare
description: "Reserve resources for future use"
color: "#d3d3d3"
- name: device
peer: InfraDevice
identifier: "device__interface"
optional: false
cardinality: one
order_weight: 1
kind: Parent
- name: tags
peer: BuiltinTag
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Attribute
- name: LagInterface
namespace: Infra
description: "Generic Lag Interface"
include_in_menu: false
- name: lacp
label: LACP
kind: Text
enum: ["Active", "Passive", "Disabled"]
- name: minimum_links
label: Mimimum links
kind: Number
default_value: 1
optional: false
- name: max_bundle
label: MaxBundle
kind: Number
optional: true
- name: mlag
peer: InfraMlagInterface
cardinality: one
optional: true
kind: Attribute
identifier: mlag_member_lag_interface
- name: Endpoint
namespace: Infra
description: "Generic Endpoint to connect two objects together"
include_in_menu: false
label: "Endpoint"
- name: connected_endpoint
peer: InfraEndpoint
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
identifier: connected__endpoint
- name: MlagInterface
namespace: Infra
description: "MLAG Interface"
label: "MLAG Interface"
icon: "mdi:ethernet"
include_in_menu: true
- name: mlag_id
label: MLAG Id
kind: Number
optional: false
- name: mlag_domain
label: MLAG Domain
order_weight: 1
peer: InfraMlagDomain
kind: Attribute
cardinality: one
optional: false
# -------------------- Device (Platforms, Device, Interfaces) --------------------
- name: Device
namespace: Infra
description: "Generic Device object"
label: "Device"
icon: "mdi:server"
default_filter: name__value
human_friendly_id: ["name__value"]
- "CoreArtifactTarget"
- name__value
- name__value
- name: name
kind: Text
unique: true
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: computed_description
kind: Text
description: Combine various attributes to provide a human frendly description of this device.
kind: Jinja2
jinja2_template: "{{ type__value }} device used as {{ role__value }} on {{ site__name__value|lower }}"
read_only: true
optional: false
- name: type
kind: Text
- name: status
kind: Dropdown
optional: true
- name: active
label: Active
description: "Fully operational and currently in service"
color: "#7fbf7f"
- name: provisioning
label: Provisioning
description: "In the process of being set up and configured"
color: "#ffff7f"
- name: maintenance
label: Maintenance
description: "Undergoing routine maintenance or repairs"
color: "#ffd27f"
- name: drained
label: Drained
description: "Temporarily taken out of service"
color: "#bfbfbf"
- name: role
kind: Dropdown
optional: true
- name: core
label: Core Router
description: "Central part of the network"
color: "#7f7fff"
- name: edge
label: Edge Router
description: "Network boundary with external networks"
color: "#bf7fbf"
- name: cpe
label: Customer Premise Equipment
description: "Devices located at the customer's premises"
color: "#bf7f7f"
- name: firewall
label: Firewall
description: "Ensures network security"
color: "#ffa07a"
- name: spine
label: Spine Router
description: "Aggregation router part of a Fabric"
color: "#aeeeee"
- name: leaf
label: Leaf Switch
description: "Top of Rack part of a Fabric"
color: "#e6e6fa"
- name: site
label: Site
peer: LocationSite
optional: false
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 1
identifier: "site__devices"
- name: interfaces
peer: InfraInterface
identifier: "device__interface"
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Component
- name: asn
peer: InfraAutonomousSystem
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: tags
peer: BuiltinTag
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Attribute
- name: primary_address
peer: IpamIPAddress
label: Primary IP Address
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: platform
peer: InfraPlatform
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: mlag_domain
peer: InfraMlagDomain
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: InterfaceL3
namespace: Infra
description: "Network Layer 3 Interface"
label: "Interface L3"
include_in_menu: false
- name__value
- name__value
- "InfraInterface"
- "InfraEndpoint"
- "CoreArtifactTarget"
- name: lacp_rate
label: LACP Rate
kind: Text
- "Fast"
- "Normal"
default_value: "Normal"
- name: lacp_priority
label: LACP Priority
kind: Number
default_value: 32768
- name: ip_addresses
peer: IpamIPAddress
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Component
- name: lag
peer: InfraLagInterfaceL3
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: LagInterfaceL3
namespace: Infra
description: "Network Layer 3 Lag Interface"
label: "Lag Interface L3"
include_in_menu: false
- name__value
- name__value
- "InfraInterface"
- "InfraLagInterface"
- "CoreArtifactTarget"
- name: members
label: Members
peer: InfraInterfaceL3
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Generic
- name: ip_addresses
peer: IpamIPAddress
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Component
- name: InterfaceL2
namespace: Infra
description: "Network Layer 2 Interface"
label: "Interface L2"
include_in_menu: false
- name__value
- name__value
- "InfraInterface"
- "InfraEndpoint"
- "CoreArtifactTarget"
- name: l2_mode
label: Layer2 Mode
kind: Text
enum: ["Access", "Trunk", "Trunk (ALL)"]
- name: lacp_rate
label: LACP Rate
kind: Text
- "Fast"
- "Normal"
default_value: "Normal"
- name: lacp_priority
label: LACP Priority
kind: Number
default_value: 32768
- name: lag
peer: InfraLagInterfaceL2
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: untagged_vlan
label: Untagged VLAN
peer: InfraVLAN
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Component
identifier: interface_l2__untagged_vlan
- name: tagged_vlan
label: Tagged VLANs
peer: InfraVLAN
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Attribute
identifier: interface_l2__tagged_vlan
- name: LagInterfaceL2
namespace: Infra
description: "Network Layer 2 Lag Interface"
label: "Lag Interface L2"
icon: "mdi:ethernet"
include_in_menu: false
- name__value
- name__value
- "InfraInterface"
- "InfraLagInterface"
- "CoreArtifactTarget"
- name: l2_mode
label: Layer2 Mode
kind: Text
enum: ["Access", "Trunk", "Trunk (ALL)"]
- name: members
label: Members
peer: InfraInterfaceL2
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Generic
- name: untagged_vlan
label: Untagged VLAN
peer: InfraVLAN
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Component
identifier: interface_l2__untagged_vlan
- name: tagged_vlan
label: Tagged VLANs
peer: InfraVLAN
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Attribute
identifier: interface_l2__tagged_vlan
- name: Platform
namespace: Infra
description: "A Platform represents the type of software running on a device"
label: "Platform"
icon: "mdi:application-cog-outline"
default_filter: name__value
human_friendly_id: ["name__value"]
- name__value
- name__value
- name: name
kind: Text
unique: true
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: nornir_platform
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: napalm_driver
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: netmiko_device_type
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: ansible_network_os
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: devices
peer: InfraDevice
optional: true
cardinality: many

# -------------------- Circuits --------------------
- name: Circuit
namespace: Infra
description: "A Circuit represent a single physical link between two locations"
label: "Circuit"
default_filter: circuit_id__value
human_friendly_id: ["circuit_id__value"]
- circuit_id__value
- circuit_id__value
- name: circuit_id
kind: Text
unique: true
order_weight: 2
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: vendor_id
kind: Text
optional: true
order_weight: 3
- name: status
kind: Dropdown
- name: active
label: Active
description: "Fully operational and currently in service"
color: "#7fbf7f"
- name: provisioning
label: Provisioning
description: "In the process of being set up and configured"
color: "#ffff7f"
- name: maintenance
label: Maintenance
description: "Undergoing routine maintenance or repairs"
color: "#ffd27f"
- name: drained
label: Drained
description: "Temporarily taken out of service"
color: "#bfbfbf"
- name: role
kind: Dropdown
- name: backbone
label: Backbone
description: "Provide main data routes"
color: "#6a5acd"
- name: upstream
label: Upstream
description: "Connect to Internet service provider"
color: "#9090de"
- name: peering
label: Peering
description: "Connect with other networks via an IX"
color: "#85db9b"
- name: computed_description
kind: Text
kind: TransformPython
transform: computed_circuit_description
read_only: true
optional: true
- name: provider
identifier: circuit__provider
peer: OrganizationProvider
optional: false
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 1
- name: tenant
identifier: circuit__tenant
peer: OrganizationTenant
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 2
- name: endpoints
peer: InfraCircuitEndpoint
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Component
- name: bgp_sessions
label: "BGP Sessions"
peer: InfraBGPSession
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Component
- name: CircuitEndpoint
namespace: Infra
description: "A Circuit endpoint is attached to each end of a circuit"
label: "Circuit Endpoint"
include_in_menu: false
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- "InfraEndpoint"
- name: site
label: "Site"
peer: "LocationSite"
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
identifier: "site__circuit_endpoints"
- name: circuit
peer: InfraCircuit
optional: false
cardinality: one
kind: Parent
- name: MlagDomain
namespace: Infra
description: "Represents the group of devices that share interfaces in a multi chassis link aggregation group"
label: "MLAG Domain"
include_in_menu: true
- name__value
- name: name
label: Name
description: Name of a group of devices forming an MLAG Group
kind: Text
optional: false
unique: true
- name: domain_id
label: Domain Id
description: Domain Id of a group of devices forming an MLAG Group
kind: Number
optional: false
- name: devices
cardinality: many
peer: InfraDevice
kind: Attribute
optional: false
- name: peer_interfaces
cardinality: many
peer: InfraLagInterfaceL2
kind: Attribute
optional: false
- name: MlagInterfaceL2
namespace: Infra
description: "L2 MLAG Interface"
label: "MLAG Interface L2"
icon: "mdi:ethernet"
include_in_menu: false
- mlag_id__value
- InfraMlagInterface
- name: members
peer: InfraLagInterfaceL2
label: Members
kind: Attribute
optional: false
cardinality: many
identifier: mlag_member_lag_interface
- name: MlagInterfaceL3
namespace: Infra
description: "L3 MLAG Interface"
label: "MLAG Interface L3"
icon: "mdi:ethernet"
include_in_menu: false
- mlag_id__value
- InfraMlagInterface
- name: members
peer: InfraLagInterfaceL3
label: Members
kind: Attribute
optional: false
cardinality: many
identifier: mlag_member_lag_interface
IPAM Base Schema
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
version: '1.0'
# -------------------- IPAM (VLAN, IP Address) --------------------
- name: IPPrefix
namespace: Ipam
include_in_menu: false
- "BuiltinIPPrefix"
description: "IPv4 or IPv6 network"
icon: "mdi:ip-network"
label: "IP Prefix"
- name: IPAddress
namespace: Ipam
include_in_menu: false
- "BuiltinIPAddress"
description: "IP Address"
icon: "mdi:ip-outline"
label: "IP Address"
- name: interface
peer: InfraInterfaceL3
optional: true
cardinality: one
- name: VLAN
namespace: Infra
description: "A VLAN is a logical grouping of devices in the same broadcast domain"
label: "VLAN"
icon: "mdi:lan-pending" # mdi:lan
default_filter: name__value
human_friendly_id: ["name__value", "vlan_id__value"]
- name__value
- name__value
- name: name
kind: Text
unique: true
order_weight: 2
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: vlan_id
kind: Number
order_weight: 3
- name: status
kind: Dropdown
- name: active
label: Active
description: "Fully operational and currently in service"
color: "#7fbf7f"
- name: provisioning
label: Provisioning
description: "In the process of being set up and configured"
color: "#ffff7f"
- name: maintenance
label: Maintenance
description: "Undergoing routine maintenance or repairs"
color: "#ffd27f"
- name: drained
label: Drained
description: "Temporarily taken out of service"
color: "#bfbfbf"
- name: role
kind: Dropdown
- name: server
label: Server
description: "Dedicated systems for managing networked resources"
color: "#c4bed7"
- name: management
label: Management
description: "Network segments for administrative and control tasks"
color: "#9af1e1"
- name: user
label: User
description: "Segments designed for end-user access and activities"
color: "#a0b78d"
- name: site
label: "Site"
peer: "LocationSite"
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
identifier: "site__vlans"
order_weight: 1
- name: gateway
label: L3 Gateway
peer: InfraInterfaceL3
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
Location Base Schema
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
version: '1.0'
- name: Generic # Location
namespace: Location
description: "Generic hierarchical location"
label: "Location"
hierarchical: true
icon: "mingcute:location-line"
human_friendly_id: ["name__value"]
include_in_menu: true
- name: name
kind: Text
unique: true
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true

# -------------------- Location (Continent, Country, Site, Rack) --------------------
- name: Continent
namespace: Location
description: "A continent on planet earth."
icon: "jam:world"
- "LocationGeneric"
generate_profile: false
default_filter: "name__value"
- "name__value"
- "name__value"
children: "LocationCountry"
parent: ""
- name: Country
namespace: Location
description: "A country within a continent."
icon: "gis:search-country"
- "LocationGeneric"
generate_profile: false
default_filter: "name__value"
- "name__value"
- "name__value"
children: "LocationSite"
parent: "LocationContinent"
- name: Site
namespace: Location
description: "A site within a country."
icon: "ri:building-line"
- "LocationGeneric"
default_filter: "name__value"
- "name__value"
- "name__value"
children: "LocationRack"
parent: "LocationCountry"
- name: city
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: address
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: contact
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: devices
identifier: "site__devices"
cardinality: many
peer: InfraDevice
kind: Component
- name: vlans
identifier: "site__vlans"
cardinality: many
kind: Component
peer: InfraVLAN
- name: circuit_endpoints
identifier: "site__circuit_endpoints"
cardinality: many
kind: Component
peer: InfraCircuitEndpoint
- cardinality: many
kind: Attribute
name: tags
optional: true
peer: BuiltinTag
- name: Rack
namespace: Location
description: "A Rack represents a physical two- or four-post equipment rack in which devices can be installed"
label: "Rack"
icon: clarity:rack-server-solid
- "LocationGeneric"
- "site__name__value"
- "name__value"
- "name__value"
parent: "LocationSite"
children: ""
- ["site", "name__value"]
human_friendly_id: ["site__name__value", "name__value"]
- name: name
kind: Text
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: height
kind: Text
- name: facility_id
label: Facility ID
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: serial_number
label: Serial Number
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: asset_tag
label: Asset Tag
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: status
kind: Dropdown
- name: active
label: Active
description: "Functional and ready for production"
color: "#009933"
- name: planned
label: Planned
description: "Not physically present yet"
color: "#cc66ff"
default_value: "active"
- name: role
kind: Dropdown
- name: compute
description: "Rack mainly composed of compute"
color: "#0099ff"
- name: storage
description: "Rack mainly composed of Storage devices"
color: "#993399"
- name: networking
description: "Rack mainly composed of Network devices"
color: "#ff6600"
optional: true
- name: site
peer: LocationSite
optional: false
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: tags
peer: BuiltinTag
optional: true
cardinality: many
kind: Attribute
Organization Base Schema
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
version: '1.0'
- name: Generic # Organization
namespace: Organization
label: Organization
description: An organization represent a legal entity, a company.
default_filter: name__value
icon: mdi:domain
human_friendly_id: ["name__value"]
include_in_menu: true
- name: name
kind: Text
unique: true
order_weight: 1000
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
order_weight: 1200
- name: tags
peer: BuiltinTag
cardinality: many
kind: Attribute
optional: true
order_weight: 3000
- name: asn
label: "Autonomous System"
cardinality: many
optional: true
peer: InfraAutonomousSystem
order_weight: 2000

- name: Manufacturer
namespace: Organization
description: Device Manufacturer
default_filter: name__value
order_by: [name__value]
- name__value
icon: mdi:domain
- OrganizationGeneric
generate_profile: false
include_in_menu: true
- name: platform
peer: InfraPlatform
cardinality: many
optional: true
- name: Provider
namespace: Organization
description: Circuit or Location Provider
default_filter: name__value
order_by: [name__value]
- name__value
icon: mdi:domain
- OrganizationGeneric
include_in_menu: true
- name: location
peer: LocationSite
cardinality: many
optional: true
- name: circuit
peer: InfraCircuit
identifier: circuit__provider
cardinality: many
optional: true
- name: Tenant
namespace: Organization
description: Customer
default_filter: name__value
order_by: [name__value]
- name__value
icon: mdi:domain
- OrganizationGeneric
include_in_menu: true
- name: location
peer: LocationSite
cardinality: many
optional: true
- name: circuit
peer: InfraCircuit
identifier: circuit__tenant
cardinality: many
optional: true
Routing Base Schema
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
version: '1.0'
# -------------------- BGP (ASN, BGP Groups, BGP Sessions) --------------------
- name: AutonomousSystem
namespace: Infra
description: "An Autonomous System (AS) is a set of Internet routable IP prefixes belonging to a network"
label: "Autonomous System"
icon: "mdi:bank-circle-outline"
default_filter: name__value
human_friendly_id: ["name__value", "asn__value"]
order_by: ["asn__value"]
- name__value
- asn__value
- name: name
kind: Text
unique: true
order_weight: 1
- name: asn
kind: Number
unique: true
order_weight: 2
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: organization
peer: OrganizationGeneric
optional: false
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 3
- name: BGPPeerGroup
namespace: Infra
description: "A BGP Peer Group is used to regroup parameters that are shared across multiple peers"
label: "BGP Peer Group"
icon: "mdi:view-grid-plus-outline"
default_filter: name__value
human_friendly_id: ["name__value"]
- name__value
- name__value
- name: name
kind: Text
unique: true
order_weight: 1
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: import_policies
kind: Text
optional: true
order_weight: 4
- name: export_policies
kind: Text
optional: true
order_weight: 5
- name: local_as
identifier: bgppeergroup__local_as
peer: InfraAutonomousSystem
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 2
- name: remote_as
identifier: bgppeergroup__remote_as
peer: InfraAutonomousSystem
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 3
- name: BGPSession
namespace: Infra
description: "A BGP Session represent a point to point connection between two routers"
label: "BGP Session"
icon: "mdi:router"
- "CoreArtifactTarget"
human_friendly_id: ["remote_as__asn__value", "remote_ip__address__value", "device__name__value"]
- device__name__value
- remote_as__asn__value
- name: type
kind: Text
order_weight: 1
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: import_policies
kind: Text
optional: true
order_weight: 8
- name: export_policies
kind: Text
optional: true
order_weight: 9
- name: status
kind: Dropdown
order_weight: 6
- name: active
label: Active
description: "Fully operational and currently in service"
color: "#7fbf7f"
- name: provisioning
label: Provisioning
description: "In the process of being set up and configured"
color: "#ffff7f"
- name: maintenance
label: Maintenance
description: "Undergoing routine maintenance or repairs"
color: "#ffd27f"
- name: drained
label: Drained
description: "Temporarily taken out of service"
color: "#bfbfbf"
- name: role
kind: Dropdown
order_weight: 7
- name: backbone
label: Backbone
description: "Provide main data routes"
color: "#6a5acd"
- name: upstream
label: Upstream
description: "Connect to Internet service provider"
color: "#9090de"
- name: peering
label: Peering
description: "Connect with other networks via an IX"
color: "#85db9b"
- name: local_as
identifier: bgpsession__local_as
peer: InfraAutonomousSystem
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 2
- name: remote_as
identifier: bgpsession__remote_as
peer: InfraAutonomousSystem
optional: false
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 3
- name: local_ip
identifier: bgpsession__local_ip
peer: BuiltinIPAddress
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 4
- name: remote_ip
identifier: bgpsession__remote_ip
peer: BuiltinIPAddress
optional: false
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
order_weight: 5
- name: device
peer: InfraDevice
optional: false
cardinality: one
- name: peer_group
peer: InfraBGPPeerGroup
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute
- name: peer_session
peer: InfraBGPSession
optional: true
cardinality: one
kind: Attribute

Use the following command to load these new models into Infrahub

invoke demo.load-infra-schema
Expected Results
> invoke demo.load-infra-schema
--- abbreviated ---
schema 'models/base/dcim.yml' loaded successfully
schema 'models/base/ipam.yml' loaded successfully
schema 'models/base/location.yml' loaded successfully
schema 'models/base/organization.yml' loaded successfully
schema 'models/base/routing.yml' loaded successfully
5 schemas processed in 26.640 seconds.
Waiting for schema to sync across all workers
Schema updated on all workers.
--- abbreviated ---
[+] Restarting 1/1
✔ Container infrahub-infrahub-server-1 Started 1.5s
Validate that everything is correct

Reload the frontend to see the new menu corresponding to the new models we added to the schema.

Load some real data into the database

In order to have more meaningful data to explore, we'll use a sample topology of 6 devices as presented below that is leveraging all the new models we added to the schema.

Use the following command to load these new models into Infrahub:

invoke demo.load-infra-data
Expected Results
> invoke demo.load-infra-data
--- abbreviated ---
[13:27:39] INFO Create a new Branch and Change the IP addresses between edge1 and edge2 on the selected site
INFO - Creating branch: 'jfk1-update-edge-ips'
[13:27:43] INFO - Replaced jfk1-edge1-Ethernet1 IP to
INFO - Replaced jfk1-edge2-Ethernet1 IP to
INFO Create a new Branch and Delete Colt Transit Circuit
INFO - Creating branch: 'atl1-delete-upstream'
[13:27:47] INFO - Deleted Colt [DUFF-cf3a6ed2d959]
INFO - Deleted Colt [DUFF-4141a7be1f9a]
INFO Create a new Branch and introduce some conflicts
INFO - Creating branch: 'den1-maintenance-conflict'
[13:27:53] INFO Create a new Branch and introduce some conflicts on the platforms for node ADD and DELETE
INFO - Creating branch: 'platform-conflict'
Validate that everything is correct

You should now be able to see 10 devices when you visit the list of devices at http://localhost:8000/objects/InfraDevice