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Changelog guide

Infrahub utilizes a tool called towncrier for Changelog management and generation.

The Changelog is maintained in a file in the main directory of each package in this repository.

Multiple Changelogs can be merged into a single Release Note for the overall project.

Infrahub follows the best practices from Keep a Changelog, and our categories of change are:

  • Added for new features
  • Changed for changes in existing functionality
  • Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features
  • Removed for now removed features
  • Fixed for any bug fixes
  • Security in case of vulnerabilities

Creating changelog entries

What this means in practice for contributing to Infrahub is:

  1. Any PR to the develop (or stable) branch that closes an issue should contain at least one Markdown formatted "Newsfragment" file in the related changelog directory
    • changelog/ for Infrahub changes
    • python-sdk/changelog for Infrahub SDK changes
  2. This file should be named with the format <github issue id>.<change type>.md. For example:
    • A Newsfragment file named represents a bug fix PR closing GitHub Issue #1234
    • This allows towncrier to populate the correct section of the Changelog with the relevant information
    • Note: If a PR doesn't close (or at least reference) a specific issue, you can utilize plain-text for the prefix by appending + to the filename.
      • For example:
  3. Available Newsfragment suffixes are:
    • added
    • changed
    • deprecated
    • removed
    • fixed
    • security
  4. Upon release of a new version, maintainers (and eventually CI) will execute towncrier build in each package directory which will do the following:
    1. Consolidate all Newsfragment files in each changelog directories into a respective file each named, and automatically prepend the changelog into the relevant release section
    2. git rm all individual Newsfragment files