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Infrahub integrations

Infrahub offers robust integrations with both Ansible and Nornir, which facilitate the automation and management of infrastructure tasks.

These integrations enhance the capabilities of Infrahub by enabling it to serve as a central source of truth for infrastructure data while leveraging the powerful automation frameworks of Ansible and Nornir. This makes it easier to manage and automate infrastructure tasks efficiently and accurately.

Ansible integration

The Ansible integration with Infrahub is provided through the opsmill.infrahub Ansible Collection. This integration allows Infrahub to be used as an inventory source for Ansible, enabling dynamic and automated management of infrastructure based on data stored in Infrahub.

Nornir integration

Nornir is a Python-based automation framework primarily used for network automation. The Nornir plugin for Infrahub allows it to be used as an inventory source for Nornir, offering a seamless way to manage network devices and configurations.

Key features

  • Inventory Management: Infrahub can dynamically generate and update inventories for Ansible playbooks and Nornir, ensuring that the latest state of infrastructure is always used.
  • Automation: By leveraging each framework's automation capabilities, users can execute complex infrastructure management tasks directly from Infrahub data.
  • Configuration Deployment: This integration ensures that configurations managed by Infrahub are consistent across the infrastructure by applying them through Ansible playbooks or Nornir.

More information

For more details, you can refer to the integrations documentation.