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Using the object-storage

The Python SDK can be used to interface with Infrahub's object-storage.

Storing string objects to the object-storage

We can use the SDK to store string objects into the object-storage.

import json

from infrahub_sdk import InfrahubClientSync

client = InfrahubClientSync()

data = {
"key": "value",
"list": [

response = client.object_store.upload(content=json.dumps(data))

Retrieving objects from the object-storage

Retrieving objects from the object-storage can be done using the object's identifier. In this step we will be using the identifier that we got as a response to the previous step.

import json

from infrahub_sdk import InfrahubClientSync

client = InfrahubClientSync()
identifier = "17d19a20-70f6-3e44-3341-c5124065cda9"

response = client.object_store.get(identifier="17d19a20-70f6-3e44-3341-c5124065cda9")

Storing a file to the object-storage

You can store text files in the object-storage. We have to read the contents of the file into a string object, which we can then store in the object-storage.

import json
from pathlib import Path

from infrahub_sdk import InfrahubClientSync

data = {
"key": "value",
"list": [

json_file = Path("/tmp/file.json")

client = InfrahubClientSync()
identifier = "17d19a20-70f6-3e44-3341-c5124065cda9"

response = client.object_store.upload(content=json_file.read_text())